Conferences & Projects

Today I got the confirmation that I will be presenting at the 2012 MassCUE conference. Yay! Another project to work on over the summer.

I also registered for Edcampblc. Yay edcamp!

Speaking of projects, the new website for my school is moving ahead full steam as well as the transition to Google Apps. And I thought I’d be heading to summer break with a light load. I think I’ll be at school more than not over the summer, but I am jazzed by this productive and positive movement forward.

Balls in the Air

My job just got a lot more interesting and intense. We are in the process of getting a new website built, and with that come quite a few associated pieces such as integrating with our student information service, online payment processors, Google Apps, and a few other things. Many of these ended up in my court, and I now have to juggle much more than I was earlier in the year.

On the positive side, I am really excited about the synergy of all of these pieces when we have them in place. I think our digital services will be incredibly more integrated, efficient, and easy to use.

I just have to work on my multitasking which is not always my strength.