One Digital Flow to Rule Them All

It appears that I will attempt to move my digital flow to Evernote. I am hearing it from too many sources, now, that this is the way to go. I am not sure how much of my other pieces it will eat up. Certainly it will replace Springpad, but I have hardly started using that. It might replace my social bookmarks so recently moved to Delicious from Diigo. We’ll see. I am pretty sure I’ll keep GoodReads and probably IMDB Watchlist. Image handling will be the same, too.

This is a weekend project.

Settling into Delicious

As I go through my recently completed book, Rethinking Popular Culture and Media, I am transforming the pieces I liked into digital objects. Some book recommendations go to GoodReads, some music goes to Pandora, and many pieces turn into bookmarks in Delicious. I used to use Diigo, but now have switched.

Switching something like this takes a bit of work. I have now changed my links text on my WordPress blogs to reflect this change. I have also changed it on my Blogger blog. I am sure there are other places where I will have to go and redirect to Delicious.

Delicious makes it easy to create bookmarks from Tweets, but that is the reverse of my current workflow. I used IFTTT to send my Diigo bookmarks to Twitter, and this caused quite a few people to follow them. I found that I had to do the same for Delicious. I get that lots of people want to save bookmarks from Twitter to their bookmarking site. I guess if the sites enabled this, then there would be people who would set up both Tweets feeding bookmarks and bookmarks feeding Tweets. Endless loops and crashes ensue. One would think they could filter for tweets originating from one’s own account, but it is not available from within Twitter as far as I can tell. Just another use to use IFTTT.

I have the bookmarklets for Delicious on the computers I use, but not on my iPad yet. I’ll get around to that soon.

I have put some art on the walls, unpacked some boxes, and settled in to using Delicious, and I like it.

Goodbye Diigo? Hello Delicious

I entered the social bookmarking scene when Delicious was going under and before it had been bought by Yahoo. There was movement at that time to use Diigo. Also, Richard Byrne at freetech4teachers highly recommended it. However, Delicious did not die, and not many other sites natively support Diigo bookmarking.

I really like the iPad RSS reader I ended up with because of Diigo support. I will probably keep using Mr. Reader, but I have many more options should I want to move on. Many other sites and applications have built in Delicious support.

I have successfully exported my bookmarks from Diigo and am in the process of importing into Delicious. If it all works, I will follow all the ripples to the places where I have linked in my Diigo library, placed a bookmarklet, and more.

Now to explore stacks and all the other features of Delicious.

The import has left page one of my links blank so far. Here is my list starting on page two.